P | = presentation | D | = discussion | W | = workshop | M | = movie | PP | = project presentation |
08:00-09:00 | Breakfast | |
08:30-15:30 | Registration & Infopoint open | |
09:00-15:30 | Exhibit/Stalls Rooms open | |
09:00-09:50 Room A | Sunday Morning Plenary | |
10:00-10:50 Room A | P | Factory farming: The greatest crime of our time? Toni Shephard |
10:00-10:50 Room B | P | Sanctuary yoga: Giving animals a good death & how we learn about ourselves Johnny Braz |
11:00-11:50 Room A | P | Civil disobedience for the animals Martin Smedjeback |
11:00-11:50 Room B | P | iAnimal Jose Valle |
12:00-12:50 Room A | P | The construction of attitudes towards animals on the example of the Estonian fur industry Kristina Mering |
12:00-12:50 Room B | P | From the margins to vegan options in Domino`s Pizza: The story behind the vegan revolution in Israel Chen Cohen |
13:00-13:50 Room A | P | From Activist to Terrorist Jake Conroy |
14:00-14:30 | Closing Plenary | |
14:30-15:30 | Closing Reception with free food |
All presentations and workshops are scheduled to have a 10 minute break until the next session, so that there is enough time to take a short break and switch to another room.