Please note that we have now filled all available slots for stalls. You can still send us your application and we can put you on the backlog in case we get some cancellations.
Being part of the International Animal Rights Conference with a stall is a great way of presenting your work, products, and services to vegans, animal rights activists, and the animal rights community.
The stalls rooms are planned to be open:
Stall locations will be assigned by the conference team, with priority given to early registrants. The stall fee is 100 EUR for commercial stalls and 50 EUR for nonprofit organizations.
The stalls may not advocate or condone any form of animal exploitation. The products offered may not contain any animal ingredients or be tested on animals.
There will be at least one table on which groups that don't have enough material for a full own stall or who cannot afford the fee for an own stall can display their material. If you want to use this, please contact us in advance and let us know, how much material you plan to display.
For full details, please view the application form.