How to enter slaughterhouses and film on the kill floor around the world - and the different impacts it can entail


Room A + online

Sun, 08.09.2024  13:20-14:00  Central European Time (CET)

Lena Ella has been able to enter slaughterhouses and film on various kill floors throughout the past seven years of doing animal rights activism as a full-time animal liberation activist.

In this presentation, she shares her strategies on how to get inside those dark and often hidden places through bold, love-based activism. She aims to highlight both the positive and negative effects, focusing on the dual impact it can have: on the one hand, the contribution to animal liberation, and on the other, the toll it takes on the mental health of those witnessing and documenting the killings.

Towards the conclusion of her presentation, Lena Ella shares strategies she has learned for coping with mental health challenges related to animal rights work, offering insights to help others prevent burnout in order to strengthen and support the AR-community.