Foundational questions: welfarism vs. abolitionism

Sat, 07.09.2024  12:00-13:30  Central European Time (CET)

The workshop will address the question of welfarism vs. abolitionism (from a strategic perspective) in three parts:

  1. A short presentation outlining some key arguments on both sides (10-15 minutes)
  2. A quick Q&A session for clarifying questions (5 min)
  3. Moderated Small group discussions (5-8 people per group), in which participants can bring forward and discuss their own arguments for either side. The moderators will ensure that (a) every person gets to contribute everything they know and what to contribute, (b) nudge towards or bring forward any arguments from our argument list* that have not been mentioned, and (c) note down every new argument not yet in our list.

The goal of the workshop is that every person has heard every argument on either side, so that advocates can form a more nuanced and informed opinion on a question, so foundational that it seems to split the movement. Our experience is that advocates usually come out of such a workshop with a more reflective understanding of either side and a more open attitude.

(*) We keep an argument list with 10-15 arguments on either side of the discussion, including speculative, philosophical, empirical, and historical arguments. We use these to keep track of the discussions and ensure that everything has been said and every new argument adds to the list, improving the workshop every time it is held.