The importance of international collaboration among antivivisection groups in the fight against animal testing

Camp Beagle experience and successes


Room A + online

Fri, 06.09.2024  12:30-13:10  Central European Time (CET)

This presentation will highlight different ways in which groups from different countries can collaborate and support each other to strengthen their campaigns against animal testing. It will use examples of the various approaches that Camp Beagle has put into practice during its 3-year campaign to free the MBR beagles, paying particular attention to the international exposé on the importation of beagles from USA breeding facilities to European animal testing laboratories that we coordinated across ten countries last summer and the successes achieved through those collaborations.

Since animal testing is fueled by multinational companies of breeders, contracting laboratories, pharmaceutical and chemical businesses operating at a global scale, and they heavily rely on the international trade of live animals, it is fundamental that antivivisection groups from different countries join their efforts and work collaboratively to increase public exposure of animal testing secrets and strengthen the pressure against these cruel multinationals by generating global protests. International collaborations have proven to bring benefits and positive outcomes. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this presentation is to promote future international projects and campaign collaborations to end all animal experiments.