This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference
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Petya Petrova

Petya PetrovaPetya (she/her) has a background in development studies (MA). In the last ten years, she volunteered and worked with human rights NGOs in Austria and the Middle East and also organizations involved in development cooperation. She was a board member in an Austrian NGO, carrying out health, education, and livelihood projects based on the idea of self-empowerment, together with local communities in remote and rural parts of Nepal. Two years ago, she made a radical change and decided to engage with animal rights activism in all aspects of her life. Petya currently works at PETA Germany as a coordinator for Eastern Europe. Her interests lie in studying existing power relations, with a focus on postcolonial theory and Eastern Europe.



The role of international NGOs in shaping the animal rights movement