Karolina Skowron is the Corporate Outreach Director at Fundacja Alberta Schweitzera, which is part of the Albert Schweitzer Foundation, and runs a dedicated team of women who have convinced almost 30 big companies to go cage-free for laying hens within just one year from the startup of the Polish office. She has a degree in sociology at The London School of Economics and has studied Global Diplomacy at SOAS in London, where she specialized in strategy, social movements, and the art of negotiation. Karolina is a lifelong, politically engaged activist, involved in the animal, feminist and LGBTQ movements. In order to enlarge and enrich the animal advocacy circle, she successfully connects these movements and speaks to feminists about animal rights/welfare and why they should get involved. She is the founder and coordinator of the Animal Center during the Women`s Congress, the biggest Polish social movement. She uses everything she has learned in previous jobs in the media and international corporations to be the best possible advocate for animals in business, politics, and the media.
Why should feminists fight for animal rights?