This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference
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Friday, 06.09.2019   17:00-17:50   Room B
Hunting myths and truths
Susan Hartland

Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and instead of fighting to protect wildlife and the environment, we continue to hunt, trap, snare, poison wildlife by the millions. We call this mass slaughter `management`, `conservation, `sport`, `pleasure`, `protection`, `necessary`, ... – so many words in order to allow killing of other species.

  • What is the truth behind hunting? Why hunting is not `conservation` or `management`.
  • Does money from hunting actually go to protect wildlife?
  • If hunting is done on private land in a `game farm` is this somehow more ethical?
  • How do hunting lobby groups wield so much power?
  • What are the real issues facing wildlife?
  • How can we work to fight `wildlife management` and protect wildlife?










note: all information on this web site is subject to change as the conference planning proceeds
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