This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference
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Daniel Kirjner

Daniel KirjnerDaniel Kirjner is a vegan-feminist activist and doctoral sociology student at University of Brasília, Brazil. Currently working with Dr. Lisa Kemmerer as a visiting scholar at Montana State University Billings. His research focuses on links between the construction of masculinity and the glorification of violence against animals and women in contemporary capitalist societies. Since 2011, Daniel has offered his presentation, "An Invisible Veil: A Feminist Look at Animal`s Destinies" at Brazilian universities and social collectives. Recently, Daniel presented at the conference "Neither Man or Beast: Patriarchy, Speciesism, and Deconstructing Oppressions", and had a few publications accepted in anthologies about animal rights, in Australia and the United States. Daniel continues to learn about, question, and deconstruct masculinity in his own life to heighten his own awareness of predatory male behavior in the hope of being part himself of bringing change to the world.



Perspectives on Animal Ethics and Abolition

Masculinity and violence: a culture of predation







note: all information on this web site is subject to change as the conference planning proceeds
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