Towards an end of animal exploitation in circuses


Room A + online

Sun, 08.09.2024  12:30-13:10  Central European Time (CET)

About 50 countries worldwide have partially or completely banned keeping and displaying wild animals in circuses, about 30 of them in Europe alone. This has been a great success, thanks mainly to the tireless efforts of so many animal rights activists in all those countries.

However, countless countries (including Germany and Switzerland) still have no noteworthy restrictions regarding the exploitation of wild animals in circuses. Plus, in almost no countries where wild animals are banned in circuses, do we find any restrictions regarding "domesticated" animals. Whereas elephants, rhinos, tigers, lions, monkeys, and other "exotic" animals are increasingly banned from being showcased in circuses, even by law, there is, surprisingly enough, almost no critical attention towards the exploitation of "domesticated" animals like horses, camels, donkeys, dogs and so forth. Why is this so? And what can be done to make circus performances completely free from animal exploitation?

NONE are free until ALL are free.