Engaging mainstream audiences via debates


Room B

Thu, 05.09.2024  16:40-18:10  Central European Time (CET)

The "XBVegan Debate Society" spearheads discussions on critical issues like animal welfare, plant-based living, and the role of alternative proteins. Recognizing that personal conversations, documentaries, and online videos are pivotal in influencing individuals toward veganism, the society aims to leverage these elements to foster a broader shift toward plant-based living in China. This initiative is designed to engage the younger generation in meaningful dialogue, sparking discussions that can lead to a greater embrace of vegan values.

The organization's purpose is to spark deep reflection, encouraging individuals to reconsider their lifestyle choices and broader impacts. The engagement strategy involves facilitating face-to-face debates to explore the intersection of human choices with animal rights, environmental sustainability, and global health. The organization stimulates critical thinking and dialogue by crafting debates around provocative topics, such as the efficacy of plant-based meats and the ethical considerations of animals as food.