This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference
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Geertrui Cazaux

Geertrui CazauxGeertrui Cazaux has been advocating for the rights of other animals since 25 years. After her doctoral research on anthropocentrism and speciesism in criminology, she worked in youth care and as a policy advisor. She is now retired because of chronic diseases and - together with her husband – takes care of adopted animals at home. She is the editor of Mensen en Andere Dieren (2001) and Een Ander Soort Zuster (2020) and writes about veganism and animals rights on, Brugesvegan and about the interconnections between ableism and speciesism on CripHumanimal.



Stories of animal resistance
About human saviorism and - not so - voiceless animals