This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference
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Sheena Swemmer

Sheena Swemmer

Sheena Swemmer is the head of the gender department at the Centre for Applied Legal Studies, a human rights NGO at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. She works specifically in the field of gender and violence, and focuses on how violence affects numerous vulnerable groups (including animals) in the country.

Sheena is currently in her final year of her PhD which is titled "AN UBUNTU-FEMINIST APPROACH TO THE INCLUSION OF COMPANION ANIMALS IN SOUTH AFRICAN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LAW" and focuses on the intersection of violence in the home and potential developments that can take place in South African law to protect women, children and companion animals.



Developing South African domestic violence law to include companion animals