I am a libertarian and egalitarian activist, committed to fight all forms of domination. To summarize my political position, I think that on a cultural level, the central struggle should focus against the idea of nature (the idea of a natural order and the idea of a nature of things) which underlies our civilization and all inegalitarian ideologies. Animals, quite particularly, are denied in their individual existence by being likened to "nature". They`re considered as simple cogs in the natural order wheel and, to this end, are endowed with a nature that assigns them to a role and a function. The couple humanity / nature forms the basis for domination over other animals and only exists because of this domination. The humanist ideology that is linked to the idea of nature is a form of speciesism and works as a nationalism. It is a particularism. It is not universalism as it claims to be. The fight for animal equality is the fight for equality. It is a political fight that is as fundamental as the struggle against patriarchy or against capitalism.
The movement for the abolition of meat