Ivora is a filmmaker and activist fighting against all forms of domination, with specific focus on issues regarding species, race, class, gender, and sexualities. Already a feminist and anti-racist activist, she began advocating for animal rights in 2005 with the Paris Anti-speciesist Collective. She started campaigning for the abolition of meat in 2009 and has regularly participated in the World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat since then. She recently completed "The Butcher`s Complex", a short film based on street actions for the abolition of meat in Marseille, involving giant human meat trays displays.
After co-organizing two Veggie Prides in Marseille, Ivora cofounded ALARM (Association for Animal Liberation) in 2011. ALARM, while focusing principally on fighting against speciesism and for the abolition of animal exploitation, considers all struggles against different forms of domination on equal footing. In practice it means taking into account all integrated forms of domination (including agism, validism, etc.) that each of us can perpetrate on any other individual without even being conscious of our own privilege. This commitment also takes shape in working to create intersections between all different struggles against dominations, aiming for a truly egalitarian and libertarian movement for social change.
The movement for the abolition of meat