This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference
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Craig Redmond

Craig Redmond has been involved in the animal rights movement for 25 years. For ten years he worked for the Captive Animals` Protection Society where, as campaigns director, he was responsible for devising and coordinating all research, campaigns and undercover investigations into animal circuses, zoos, and the exotic pet trade.

He now works as a UK-based animal rights researcher and consultant for a variety of organizations, advising on strategies and conducting in-depth research and investigations and writing reports. He also leads anti-poaching teams in the Mediterranean, protecting migrating birds from hunting and trapping, for the German charity Committee Against Bird Slaughter.

Involved in the Lush Prize as a researcher since its inception in 2012, Craig is now on the management committee that runs the awards which provide £250,000 (300,000€) each year to initiatives to help end animal testing.



The Lush Prize and animal testing: 1R not 3Rs







note: all information on this web site is subject to change as the conference planning proceeds
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