Emil Franzinelli is active in the animal rights movement since 2001. Until 2010 he was active in a local animal rights organization.
2006 and 2007 he organized autonomous tutorials about "The Mind of Animals" and "Animal Rights" at the philosophical institute of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt.
In 2008 he became editor for the German animal rights magazine TIERBEFREIUNG, where he was in charge of the theory section. This animal rights magazine is published 4 times per year and currently has a print run of 1500 copies. It is published by the animal rights organization die tierbefreier e.V., which also has the function of publishing letters of direct action claiming responsibility of ALF actions in Germany. Just recently he became the responsible editor of the magazine.
In 2012 Emil took over the coordination of the umbrella organization Vegane Mensa, which consists of autonomous local groups. The goal of this initiative is to get vegan food into the university cafeterias in Germany. The final goal of this initiative is to move the university cafeterias in Germany to only offer vegan food.
Currently he is also working with others on founding a vegan community close to Dresden and to also buy the needed property.
So far Emil`s focus has been on philosophical topics and questions relevant for the animal rights movement. Currently he is analyzing the various differentiable movements that are active for nonhuman animals based on ethical motivations. He is working on defining and strengthening the profiles of these different movements more clearly.
The modern animal advocacy movement - Advantages of dividing the movement