Friday, 07.09.2018 20:30-21:00 Room A |
Your phone is your best tool to help animals! |
Jane Velez-Mitchell |
My presentation explains how animal activists and vegans can do an end run around the mainstream media blackout on animal rights and veganism and get the message out using the amazing tools offered by technology and social media. What used to require millions of dollars in equipment, like satellites, can now be done by simply going LIVE on your phone via facebook. Each of has our own network, which is really a fancy word for a production company with a distribution channel to an audience. Facebook LIVE gives everyone the ability to produce content and distribute to their audience. After 4 decades in mainstream television, including CNN Headline News, I took my skills as a reporter, anchor and host and applied them to social media, creating a news feed on animal rights that produces hundreds of videos every year, videos that were viewed more than 16 million times in 2017. We now have dozens of contributors across the globe and are looking for more. I explain the evolution of this concept and how it can be replicated by those who have good social media followings and want to supersize them. I would like to show examples of the videos we make including our daily Facebook LIVE cooking show, #LunchBreakLIVE, and our continuous and growing coverage of Save Movement Vigils and Cubes of Truth around the world. We also go live at VegFests, conferences and other venues. Recently, we produced our first music video to excellent reviews and plan to do more. |