I`m working for animal rights, human rights and ecology for the last 8 years in Turkey. I am a volunteer in two different associations which I took part in creating are called Freedom to the Earth Association and Protection and Improvement of Animal Rights Association since 2010.
Until now, I worked different parts and periods of these campaigns as a volunteer: No to Animal Circuses in Turkey, Right to Conscientious Objection in Education, Vegan food to Osman Evcan (Osman Evcan is a vegan politic prisoner in Turkey and he stages hunger strikes for his vegan demands oftenly), No to Kısırkaya Animal Concentration Camp, Campaign Against Fur and Leather and Campaign Against Animal Experiments.
In the last few years we have been living with dense pressure from the government. All this years we have always been doing campaigns, protests and legal battles. Nowadays this is not working anymore because the government imprisons people or shut down their organization just for working for the struggle of rights by saying you are a terrorist. So we had to change our view a little bit. We decided to work with the children.
Right now I work as a project coordinator and workshop manager for "Animal Rights and Speciesism Workshops for Children". We work with children in need, like refugees and children living in urban transformation areas. Our aim is to ensure that children have an egalitarian relationship with the animals.
campaign discussion:
Campaign Discussion: Reaching young people
morning plenary:
Friday Morning Plenary