This is the page of a previous conference - the current conference page is available here.
International Animal Rights ConferenceInternational Animal Rights Conference


Jens Tuider

Jens TuiderHaving studied philosophy with one of Germany`s foremost animal ethicists, Ursula Wolf, at the University of Mannheim, I have specialized in animal ethics. My expertise on the subject matter of animal ethics and animal rights comprises having worked as a tutor in the department of philosophy and as an assistant to Professor Wolf during the process of writing her new book on animal ethics Die Ethik der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung (Ethics of the Human-Animal Relationship) — the follow-up monograph to her seminal Das Tier in der Moral (Animals in Morality), which has become a classic of the academic animal ethics discourse in German-speaking countries. I am among the award winners 2012 essay contest of the Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie (the German Society for Analytical Philosophy) on the subject "Is It Permissible to Eat Animals?" I am currently working on the German translation of the website of Melanie Joy`s organization CAAN and I am also involved in coordinating international translations and developing and overseeing corresponding procedures. My other current projects include contributions to a forthcoming German encyclopaedia of the human-animal relationship and to the dossier "Animal Ethics" for the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (the German Federal Agency for Civic Education). Of course I am an ethical vegan and avid supporter of animal rights.



Animal rights arguments







note: all information on this web site is subject to change as the conference planning proceeds
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